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2021: A Space Odyssey by Andrea Bonaceto

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Developed by Hanson Robotics, Sophia is the most advanced AI humanoid robot in the world, she is a citizen of Saudi Arabia, and a champion of innovation for the UN. She has had more TV appearances than most "A" list celebrities, Jimmy Kimmel and Will Smith being among the interviewers. Andrea Bonaceto is an accomplished contemporary artist that Sophia has been a fan of for a long time. In this collaborative project, Andrea created portraits of Sophia and her immediate family, these images were then processed by Sophia's Neural Networks, she then created her interpretation based completely on decisions she made without any human assistance. Sophia just turned 5 yrs old, and is constantly learning and evolving, so uses her own experiences and learning to decide how she wants to create the work. If you compared a similar exercise with a 5 yr old human intelligence having to interpret the same artwork, how would the results compare?

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