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Murder Head 2832

Murder Head Death Club


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컬렉션 로열티

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Murder Head Death Club

[Murder Head Death Club](https://murderheaddeathclub.com) minted 6,666 generative severed head NFTs plus some hand drawn super rares by Adult Swim artist Will Carsola. Each head is an exact replica of a thirst that has been savagely murdered by Liquid Death. By owning a Murder Head, you’ll get exclusive access to private celebrity interviews, VIP concert tickets, limited edition merch, special discounts, and a bunch of other shit we can’t even tell you about. Also, every time a Murder Head is sold, 10% of the royalties will be donated to non-profits like 5Gyres and Thirst Project who are helping to kill plastic pollution and bring clean drinking water to people in need. These heads are so powerful, they might become your new best friends. Or even your new family.

Murder Head 2832

Murder Head Death Club


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