컬렉션활동런치패드NFT 스테이킹
로드 중



Women Rise Against Climate Change

Eye Makeup

Phoenix Orange


계약 주소


토큰 ID


토큰 표준




컬렉션 로열티

컬렉션 소개

Women Rise

Women Rise is celebrating and representing women scientists, activists, artists, coders and more. We are focused on advancing women's rights and girls' education through NFTs and Web 3.0. Our ultimate goal is to build the first school in the metaverse for the 258 million children around the world who have no access to education. 129 million of them are girls. Women Rise is a collection by world renowned artist, author and activist, @Maliha_z_art. She has been focused on advocating for social justice including women’s rights, gender equality and girl’s education for past 9 years through her art, writing and activism. She has worked with amazing organisations such as UN, Global Goals, Malala Fund, Adobe, Google, and many others. Her work has featured on various media platforms such as The New York Times, Good Morning America, BBC, TRT World and more.

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