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croFI$H - The Turtle

croFI$H Gen3 - The Sea Turtle


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croFI$H Gen3 - The Sea Turtle

croFI$H https://linktr.ee/crofish A brand named croFI$H found by Viaron, a well known NFT artist on Cronos Chain and crypto.com, created the Ocean Life collection. She is the founder of Trappazoids. Her second project is called croFI$H, where she partnered up with a highly respected community manager and founder of MACnifty. The croFI$H collection is unique because it is a collectible NFT project. Investors can collect their croFI$H NFTs and bring them to life by letting them free in their own Ocean they have purchased. The release of Ocean plots is scheduled for mid-March 2023. We might have our first foray into selling virtual ocean plots. We started our Gen1 with “The Clownfish” on January the 27th in the year 2023. Gen2 "The Crab" was subsequently released on February 2nd. Gen3 "The Turtles" is planned to be released on February 9th. Every week we drop the next generation to provide a collecting aspect, which will create a fun factor.

croFI$H - The Turtle

croFI$H Gen3 - The Sea Turtle


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