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Citadel Of The Machines

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A 3D Adventure Puzzler. Playable NFT characters. A world to explore.

Aeons pass. A lightning strike causes the ships computer to awaken at last. The only functional mechanical device is a lowly service robot. The HEXADROID.

The computer issues a command: go forth onto the planet and explore, to discover a power source that will allow the ship to return home.

A gameworld like no other

The retro-future is in your browser. Citadel NFT's are playable characters in the CITADEL 3D metaverse. Choose a droid, use the tools, explore the world and share adventures with other CITADEL denizens.

Physics sandbox IDE

Build and share your own maps. A 3D physics-enabled Sandbox with an Integrated Development Environment in your browser. Add creatures, obstacles, puzzles, weird Sci-Fi machinery, a soundtrack and visual effects.

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