About Collection
Mendel Genesis Odyssey is the ultimate "Mendel Pass" that grants you access to ALL future Mendel Collections BEYOND THE SUN, BEYOND THE ETHERS, BEYOND THE CONFINES OF THE STARRY SPHERES. Mendel is a character created by Artist Remy Bond - www.remybond.com - Mendel Genesis Odyssey is the first NFT collection based on Mendel. It tells the story of Mendel’s journey into the Metaverse, starting on the Ethereum Blockchain. Discover Mendel Ex♾dus, our 2nd collection : https://opensea.io/collection/mendelexodus Mendel Genesis will grant you a free mint in all future Mendel collections, and an airdrop of the weArt Pass coming in May 2022. join https://discord.gg/mendel
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